Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling

Enhancing zero-shot learning based sign language recognition through hand landmarks and data augmentation

Giray Sercan Özcan
Baskent University

Published 29.02.2024


  • sign language recognition,
  • zero-shot learning




Abstract— Sign language recognition remains a challenging area and may require a considerable amount of data to obtain satisfactory results. To overcome this, we use readily available motion text data in addition to videos for achieving recognition of unobserved classes during the training phase. Zero-Shot Sign Language Recognition (ZSSLR) with a novel technique is focused on this work, which learns a model from seen sign classes and recognizes unseen sign classes. To achieve this, the ASL-Text dataset is used which combines the video of word signs and descriptions in sign language dictionaries. Moreover, this dataset consists of sign language classes and their corresponding definitions in the sign language dictionary. In various Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) applications, it is common for datasets to contain a limited number of examples for numerous classes across different domains. This makes the problem of sign language recognition extremely challenging. We try to overcome this by using a new approach which includes augmented data and hand landmarks. The experiment on augmented data resulted in 50.91 for top-5 accuracy. Hand landmarks are used with unaugmented data which is applied to average and LSTM deep learning layers resulting in 49.41 and 48.21 for top-5 accuracies, respectively.


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