Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling

A Physical Tracking of ESP32 IoT Devices with RSSI Based Indoor Position Calculation

Özlem Şeker
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi

Published 29.02.2024


  • indoor localization,
  • IoT,
  • RSSI,
  • ESP32,
  • Wi-Fi


In recent days, the increase in the number of devices that can access the Internet and the variety of areas where it is used have made it essential to ensure the security of the transmitted data. The unique values embedded in the hardware can be used as keys or secret values within cryptographic algorithms to provide the confidentiality and integrity of the data. In such a situation, maintaining the security of the Internet of things (IoT) device used is a prominent element as well as the privacy of the data. The security requirement of each IoT application may be different. While some applications contain sensitive personal or commercial information, for some applications only the presence of the device may be important. In addition, it is likely to have different devices capable of processing cryptographic algorithms. Within the scope of this study, the distance information was calculated with received signal strength indication (RSSI) data based on 4 reference points of the ESP32 IoT device located indoors. The error rate was observed with the positioning based on the RSSI information of the current position of the device. It has been tested whether it is possible to detect whether the device that transfers the data is legitimate or not via indoor position calculation using RSSI.


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